Making better decisions with a collaborative approach to GTM

Many of the benefits of using a tag management platform are well known.

Marketing teams can deploy tags without waiting on development resource, and the need to make on-page code changes for minor changes to tracking is all but eliminated. But by gearing your implementation around a Data Layer – and by working with your development team as opposed to using GTM as a convenient backdoor – it’s possible to reap many additional benefits which are less widely appreciated.

SMX London 2018

At SMX London 2018, I explored some of the ways in which a collaborative deployment of GTM can empower marketing teams. From unlocking insights into the behaviour of your most engaged users to building a scalable implementation of Enhanced Ecommerce, the advantages of approaching tracking as a collaborative process as opposed to an isolated project are many, and applicable to a wide range of businesses.

My slides are below, along with links to the resources I recommended in my talk.

Recommended resources

  1. Getting Started with Content Grouping in Google Analytics
  2. How to Measure Performance with Custom Dimensions in Google Analytics [Tutorial]
  3. Manipulating the Data Layer: JavaScript Variables and Enhanced E-commerce
  4. Tracking Element Visibility with GTM
  5. From Project to Process
  6. Data Studio template: track JavaScript errors in Google Analytics

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