Generative UI is an emerging topic in the UX/UI Design field, but what does it mean for the future of digital experiences?

The ability for an interface to be entirely unique based on previous interactions is definitely an exciting concept, taking user personalisation to a whole new level. Using booking a flight on a website as an example, if a user has previously expressed interest in finding a window seat or browses in a specific flight class, when they return, the entire UI would seamlessly adapt to their needs in real time – only displaying information and tools relevant to their previous preferences.

Nielsen Norman Group note that a GenUI future represents a significant shift from traditional interface design to outcome-oriented design – with user research having more importance than ever. However, they also acknowledge the possible challenges of this concept, including user tracking and privacy issues, inconsistent interfaces that breed confusion or negative UX, and the fundamental drawbacks of AI inaccuracies or ‘hallucinations’ as is currently the case with ChatGPT.

Here’s our take on some of the other potential challenges of Gen UIs:

There’s no denying that the benefits of tailoring an interface exactly to the needs of the individual are strong, but we should still be mindful of upholding brand trust, search visibility, and user satisfaction. I haven’t touched on the full spectrum of Gen UI’s future, as this strays into territory of a giant Chatbot that could replace the internet as we know it (yes, really). For now, perhaps we should just acknowledge that often great, simple UI design, when informed by plenty of user research, can solve most user problems and create an authentic, well-rounded experience that’s true to the brand.

If you’re looking for strategic support with user research, testing, or interface design, get in touch with us today.

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