Our commitment to Be Kind

At Builtvisible, we are committed to driving positive change through our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Central to this commitment is our Be Kind policy, which guides our actions to ensure we are contributing to a better world. Here, we provide details of our commitment to Be Kind, and answer frequently asked questions about this policy.

Our Be Kind Policy

The Be Kind policy is our commitment to fostering kindness, responsibility and ethical behaviour in everything we do. It ensures that our work upholds high standards of integrity and positively impacts society.

What is the Be Kind Policy?

Our Be Kind policy is an internal guideline that dictates the publications we engage with. We do not engage with publications that:

–       Encourage discrimination

–       Spread disinformation

–       Proliferate hate

This includes certain tabloids in the UK, such as The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Mirror, The Express, and The Daily Star. Our decision is based on these outlets’ negative activity and impacts on vulnerable groups and their journalistic standards.

How Does This Policy Work?

Our Be Kind policy is integrated into various aspects of our work:

We maintain a profile to identify harmful news publishers based on their consistent issues with misinformation, hate or discrimination.

What Inspired the Be Kind Policy?

The tragic death of Caroline Flack and the toxic culture perpetuated by tabloid press spurred the implementation of our Be Kind policy. Support from our clients and the backlash against unethical publications have reinforced our commitment to this policy, ensuring we do not endorse harmful outlets.

What Do Our Clients Think?

Our clients support this policy and appreciate our stand against unethical media practices. This shared value strengthens our client relationships and helps us deliver award-winning work.

Will This Impact My Organic Performance or Brand Building?

Absolutely not. There are many high-quality, relevant outlets available that provide meaningful traffic and engagement. This policy helps protect and grow your brand sustainably.

Won’t We Lose Valuable Referral Traffic?

No. We focus on capturing relevant referral traffic that increases customer engagement and conversions. Not all referral traffic is equal, and targeting interested audiences yields better results.

Our Target Audience Reads Some of Your Blacklisted Outlets – What Can We Do?

We create campaigns that resonate with your target audiences while honouring our Be Kind stance. We discuss your audience in detail to tailor our strategies accordingly.

Won’t This Limit Our Brand from Being Picked Up by Other Websites?

Your brand will still be picked up by meaningful websites. Avoiding tabloids prevents potential long-term harm and maintains control over your brand’s narrative.

Isn’t This Policy a Little Bit Classist?

Our policy is about demanding higher standards from publications, regardless of political affiliations or demographics. We monitor all outlets equally and blacklist those that meet our harmful profile criteria.

How Do You Work with Freelancers?

We conduct rigorous due diligence checks and have open conversations to ensure all work remains aligned with our Be Kind policy.

I Read Some of Your Blacklisted Outlets, What Do You Think About That?

This policy is designed to protect brands, consumers and individuals and to promote positive and authentic stories. We aim to generate positive change by reducing misinformation and hate-mongering in the media landscape, which we believe benefits everyone.

 Environmental Sustainability

We are proud partners of Ecologi, an organisation dedicated to combating climate change through reforestation and carbon offset projects. 

Our partnership with Ecologi highlights our commitment to environmental sustainability and our dedication to creating a greener planet for future generations. 

Through this collaboration, we:

–       Plant Trees: To date, we have planted 9,890 trees, helping to restore forests and provide habitats for wildlife.

–       Offset Carbon Emissions: We actively offset our carbon emissions to minimise our environmental impact.

–       Support Global Projects: We contribute to global initiatives focused on renewable energy, conservation, and sustainable agriculture.

For additional information or enquiries regarding our CSR initiatives, please feel free to contact us. 

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